Guidelines for Student Participation During Workshops
The Following guidelines are in place to ensure that students, teachers and assistants are able to feel safe and comfortable in the workshop space. It is important that all participants are held in a heartful, respectful and inclusive space.
Confidentiality is respected at all times
Students are required to have equitable relationships with other students and will keep from discussing private information about students unless disclosure is required under the law.
Students will avoid gossip of any kind, including false or demeaning comments about fellow students, Assistants or Teachers.
A student must always ask permission to share anything that arose for another student before sharing it in a discussion forum, or sharing it with family and friends.
Workshop Conduct
A Workshop environment (Virtual or physical) will promote safety, security, inclusivity, and acceptance. Any form of aggression, bullying or harassment on the part of any student towards other students, support staff or teachers will not be tolerated by the Sound Healing Academy.
Part of the code of ethics requires students to agree to cooperate with teachers and willingly follow reasonable directions in order to create an atmosphere that fosters safety, positive learning and growth.
The following participation is encouraged:
Students will agree to giving and receiving Sound Healing exercises as set by the Teacher, without divergence or offering of other modalities in the workshop space.
Students are expected to agree to switch off or place on silent,any devices including mobile phones for the duration of the workshop, in the workshop space.
Students are expected to exercise healthy boundaries with other students, assistant/support persons, and Teachers, and to respect the body space and energy field of others in the workshop.
Extra Points:
Students should not attempt to promote, sell, or give products or services of a company to other students, the assistants/support persons, or the teachers. This should also apply during the course /after workshop.
If a complaint is raised against a student or any inappropriate behavior is witnessed, there is a process for addressing this where each party involved is afforded procedural fairness in such a situation.
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